
donderdag 17 maart 2016

TI Sento, an Italian song by the singer-songwriter Stefano Fucili for the new Ti Sento Milano commercial in The Netherlands TV.

The Italian singer-songwriter Stefano Fucili, discovered in the late nineties by the great Lucio Dalla (singer-composer of Caruso), composed the song Ti Sento for the new video tv commercial of the famous jewelery brand Ti Sento Milano IBB Amsterdam. 

Already in 2015 Ti Sento Milano used the song Splendido Capitolo by Stefano for its television commercials in The Netherlands.

The song Ti Sento will also be the single of the new album by Stefano Fucili called Italian Pop outgoing by May in all digital stores (iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, GooglePlay, Deezer).
The promotion of Ti Sento single will be accompanied by video clips produced by fashion photographer Alessio Cocchi set between Bangkok and Italy.

TI SENTO - Milano Passerella della Vita Collection - music: Ti Sento by Stefano Fucili

Italian Pop album is a collection of 18 songs extracted from the three albums produced by Fucili in the last 10 years (Vita Libera, Peter Pan, Tristano e Isotta).
In May 2016 Stefano will be in tour in The Netherlands to promote his new album with the live show Italian Pop, singing his original songs and many Italian pop hits and traditional songs.

The music of Stefano Fucili is an elegant pop with folk, acoustic and rock influences with international sound like Sting, Robbie Williams, Laura Pausini, Lucio Dalla and tipical Italian romantic melody. 
Stefano worked with famous Italian artists like Lucio Dalla, Keope, Francesco Gazzè and opened the concerts of Laura Pausini, Lucio Dalla, Paola Turci, Nomadi, Ron.

In 1998 he was the winner of the famous San Marino Festival with his song ‘Chiara’ and in 2012 he won the JP Folks Music Award (USA) with his album Peter Pan.

Since 2012 Stefano Fucili performs on squares and theaters the show “Piazza Grande, a concert tribute to Lucio Dalla” with the special participation of two longtime collaborators and friends of Lucio: Iskra Menarini (vocalist) and Bruno Mariani (guitarist and arranger).

Visit the WEBSITE!

In the Italian Pop album playlist there will be: 

Ti Sento and Splendio Capitolo (sountrack of Ti Sento Milano video commercials)
L’Italia Che Cambia Siamo Noi (hymn dedicated to the beautiful things that happen in Italy)
Chiara e Bonsai (Italian radio hits)
Lullaby (a Lullaby dedicate to the children, whose cartoon animation reached 400.000 views on YouTube
Se io fossi un angelo (live Lucio Dalla’s cover)
Baciami (song used in the ABC Tv series Missing)
Fratelli D’Italia Ukulele (funny instrumental version of Mameli's national anthem with ukulele and whistle used in the Italian Ministry of Labour Expo 2015 promo video)
Terra Madre - Mother Earth feat. New Zealand singer Anna Hawins
Spaghetti Western Lullaby (instrumental in Ennio Morricone stile, used in many soundtracks)
and many more.

For Bookings and Promotion of Stefano Fucili contact:

TI SENTO - Milano Autumn/Winter 2015 - music: Splendido Capito by Stefano Fucili

Splendido Capitolo - Stefano Fucili

woensdag 16 maart 2016

Cercasi: Franchiser in Italia per Gaufres d'Or - La specialità olandese più conosciuta al mondo!

Secondo tradizioni, le Gaufres d’Or sono olandesi, e completamente nuove per l'Italia. 

Nate nel XVIII-imo secolo, emanano un profumo delizioso di burro e canella.

Le cialde sono deliziose, sia fredde che calde, disponibili in sacchetti o direttamente dalla piastra.

Nel 2004 la cialda è stata commercializzata in Francia. 
Abbiamo creato una rete di franchiser esclusivi e unici in Francia. 
La qualità e l'aspetto del prodotto e dei rivenditori è estremamente importante.

Nel 2016 iniziamo anche in Italia.

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