
dinsdag 13 maart 2012

Pasta Riscossa - Authentic Italian Pasta since 1902

Pastificio Riscossa represents the perfect Synergy between tradition and innovation. We only sell safe products with all the taste of the past methods.

The quality of the products was increased with the actual President Dr. Leonardo Mastromauro who represents the third generation of the Mstromauro’s family involved in the pasta business.

Pastificio Riscossa was transferred to the industrial area of Corato (Puglia) on a new facility of 18000 square meters. The production was 250 tons per day on continue lines. The quality control was made by prefixed right methods. The drying process was made under hight temperatures. The time necessary for the production was decreased and divided into three different shifts.

At that time some new silos for the final products were installed at the facility. These silos given the opportunity to let the pasta became cool before being packed. The packing was made by innovative and fast machines that packed the products into polyprophylen bags and into cartons directly ready to be stored on the pallets.

Because of this fast growth of the business in 1998 the owners bought a mill in the Region of Basilicata in Venosa. In this way they guaranteed the supplì of durum weath semolina for the facility in Corato.

In 2002 Pastificio Riscossa celebrated his first and now it’s managed by the fourth generation of the same family. This generation is currently working on the challeges of the global market that preview a big competition between the pasta factories.

Pastificio Riscossa increased the facilitybought three  new innovative lines of production that offer the opportunity to double the volumes from 250 tons to 400 tons per day.
But Riscossa is always ready for the new challenges as it’s able to reorganize itself very fast to be always prepared.


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